John Common and Blinding Flashes of Light – 1.31.2009 @ Ubisububi

Here’s the final set from Ubisububi last weekend, a fun performance by John Common and Blinding Flashes of Light that highlights a slew of new material from their upcoming album.  Brian Carney posted a nice review (along with more photos) on the Denver Post’s Reverb blog.

John Common and Blinding Flashes of Light
Ubisububi, Denver, CO

Source:  DPA 4060s (Core-Sound HEBs) > battery box > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. You Got the Lonely
3. Wide Open World
4. Can You Hear Me
5. Don’t Need You
6. Go To Hell With Me
7. Pensacola story
8. Love is a Shark
9. The Man Who Could
10. Pass That Bottle Down
11. Maybe Today
12. Do You Know My Name
13. crowd/banter
14. The Dreamers

John Common
Jess De Nicola Mefford
Wes Michaels
Jed Marrs

FLAC files are available at
A zipfile of the mp3s can be found here.

Purchase John Common’s Discography:
2007 – Why Birds Fly (CD Baby | iTunes)
2006 – Good To Be Born (CD Baby | iTunes)

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Ubisububi, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 7 February 2009 at 2:04 pm


  1. Comment by John — February 7, 2009 @ 4:38 pm

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to you, Mister Lance Stack, for the love and documentation you provide for this extremely cool music scene of ours. These are beautiful and weird little gatherings we put together… to be able to revisit them is really nice.

  2. Comment by Bruce Valduchi — February 7, 2009 @ 6:45 pm

    John Common is a sinner and is going to Hell!
    Anyone who has spent more than a minute with him can tell that he is a thief. He has stolen my wife’s heart with his rhythmic melodies and his fancy words. If I ever get the chance, I’m gunna to buy this guy a beer and feed him some seafood from the Gulf of Mexico.

    Special thanks to Lance, for allowing me to enjoy my brother’s
    twisted tunes and fellow musicians!

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