Nirvana Tribute (Dualistics and friends) – 4.03.2009 @ Hi-Dive

Last night’s Nirvana Tribute was more fun than any of us could have imagined.  A Dualistics‘ performance of In Utero was spot on, transporting the entire crowd back to 1993.    Other friends invited to play were judiciously re-interpretting their own Nirvana favorites throughout the evening.  Creative highlights include Negative Creep as a blues jam, Come as You Are on casio, and a latin-flavored version of Drain You.

Nirvana Tribute Show
Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > digi-coax > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave > LAME > mp3
Taped by:  Lance Stack

(Jen Korte and Jim Ruberto)
1. Where Did You Sleep Last Night
2. You Know You’re Right

(Mike Marchant and Maria Kohler)
3. Negative Creep
4. Big Cheese

(Dan Craig)
5. Been a Son
6. Smells Like Teen Spirit

(John Common and Jess De Nicola)
7. Come as You Are
8. In Bloom

(Achille Lauro)
9. Drain You

(Hello Kavita)
10. Lithium
11. Polly

(The Wheel)
12. Sliver
13. Something in the Way

14. Serve the Servants
15. Scentless Apprentice
16. Heart Shaped Box
17. Rape Me
18. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
19. Dumb
20. Very Ape
21. Milk It
22. Pennyroyal Tea
23. Radio-Friendly Unit-Shifter
24. Tourette’s
25. All Apologies

Zipfiles of the mp3s are available here:  Part 1 and Part 2.
FLAC files are available via BitTorrent at

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 4 April 2009 at 12:10 pm

Dark Meat – 4.01.2009 @ Hi-Dive

While still maintaining a healthy roster of around ten members, Dark Meat has scaled back both the lineup and volume on this tour.  But a sacrifice of excess for the sake of cohesion was definitely to their advantage.  While I do miss the confetti, leaf blowers, and marching sousaphones, musically this set was superior to most Dark Meat shows I saw last fall.

Dark Meat
Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > digi-coax > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave > Flac16
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Oh To Find Her Gone
2. Future Galaxies
3. Freedom Ritual
4. unknown
5. No One Was There
6. unknown
7. When the Shelter Came
8. Changes Will Come
9. Three Eyes Open

FLAC files and other audio formats are available at the Live Music Archive.

Posted under CO Shows,GA Artists,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 4 April 2009 at 11:28 am

Cryptacize – 3.25.2009 @ Hi-Dive

Oakland’s Cryptacize were a last-minute addition to support Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti on tour, after the previously booked band had trouble making it into the states.  This isn’t your typical Cryptacize set, and it’s a wonder Denver was graced with a performance at all last week.  All cards were stacked to the contrary:

  1. The band braved a drive from Salt Lake City through a snowstorm, and arrived only minutes before their set!
  2. Corey Fogel was unavailable for the evening, making this a drummerless, stripped-down show.
  3. Bass player Aaron Olson was on painkillers due to a dental visit earlier that day.

If you want a more representative performance (albiet prior to Aaron’s addition to the band), you can check out my previous posts here and here.  But the sound on this one is so great, the performance so fun, that I couldn’t restrain myself from posting it.  As a bonus, all songs but the first are from Cryptacize’s upcoming Mythomania album, due out 4/21 on Asthmatic Kitty.

Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Mix [Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > digi-coax] + [SBD > 1/4″] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave > LAME > mp3
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. Say You Will
3. The Loving Sun *
4. I’ll Take The Long Way
5. Galvanize
6. Mythomania
7. New Spell

* = first time played

FLAC files are available on dime.
A zipfile of mp3s is available here.

Posted under CA Artists,CO Shows,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Thursday 2 April 2009 at 10:41 pm

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