Avi Buffalo – 10.25.2010 @ Hi-Dive

Here’s the Avi Buffalo show from Denver last fall.  The band is currently taking some downtime to focus on studies, the next record, and so forth.  If you don’t yet have their self-titled debut, you can order it through the band’s online store.

Avi Buffalo
Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. Coaxed
3. Five Little Sluts
4. Summer Cum
5. We Can’t Try This Again
6. Truth Sets In
7. Can’t I Know?
8. Margaux
9. Wah-Wah [George Harrison]
10. What’s In It For?
11. Remember Last Time


Posted under CA Artists,CO Shows,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 26 March 2011 at 3:54 pm

Cracker (Acoustic Duo) – 3.25.2011 @ Swallow Hill

(Photo by Vicki Robison.)

Cracker (Acoustic Duo)
Daniels Hall at Swallow Hill, Denver, CO

Source:  [Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > RCA] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

(Set I)
1. intro
2. Been Around the World
3. Teen Angst
4. End Times story
5. Raise ‘Em Up on Honey
6. Friends
7. Lucky
8. banter
9. Big Dipper (Take 1)
10. Big Dipper
11. Hey Bret (You Know What Time It Is)
(Set II)
12. banter/New Jersey story
13. Eurotrash Girl
14. Iraq stories
15. I Sold the Arabs the Moon
16. Sad Lovers Waltz
17. Mr. Wrong
18. Jerry Garcia story
19. Loser
20. wedding story
21. Wedding Day
22. Low
23. Victorian era banter
24. Deep Oblivion
25. One Fine Day

A zipfile of the MP3s is available here.
FLAC files and other formats are available at the LMA.

Posted under CA Artists,CO Artists,CO Shows,Swallow Hill, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 26 March 2011 at 2:53 pm

Puddin’ Tang – 6.27.2009 @ Morton Theatre

Puddin’ Tang tried something different at Athfest 2009, devoting their entire set to Bo Diddley.  Originally scheduled for the Georgia Theatre, these evening performances were relocated to the Morton Theatre after the fire.

Puddin’ Tang
Morton Theatre, AthFest, Athens, GA

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > digi-coax > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. unknown
3. unknown
4. Road Runner
5. Cookie Headed Diddley
6. Background to a Music
7. Nursery Rhyme
8. Deed and Deed I Do
9. I Can Tell
10. Diddley Daddy
11. unknown
12. unknown


Posted under AthFest,GA Artists,GA Shows,Morton Theatre, Athens, GA by admin on Saturday 26 March 2011 at 8:00 am

The Slip – 10.03.2002 @ Fox Theatre

Though they remain inactive these days aside from an occasional show, The Slip remain one of my favorite acts to come out of New England in the 90’s.

The Slip
Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO

Source (Set 1): Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V2 > Apogee MiniMe > Sony D8
Source (Set 2): Microtech Gefell M300’s > Apogee MiniMe > Sony D8
Taped by: Lance Stack


(Set I)
1. Seventy-Four
2. unknown
3. Driving Backwards with You
4. Rainmaker
5. Jumby
6. unknown

(Set II)
1. Jam >
2. Tenfold >
3. Love and Tears > Wade in the Water
4. Johnny’s Tune
5. Sometimes True to Nothing
6. (Take A) Beetle to the Badlands >
7. Beetle Jam >
8. Lord, I Just Can’t Keep From Crying > Beetle


Posted under CO Shows,Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO,MA Artists by admin on Friday 25 March 2011 at 12:47 am

European Dream Collection – 7.10.2010 @ Titwrench

(Photo by Sarah Slater!)

European Dream Collection
Titwrench Fest, Glob, Denver, CO

Source:  [DPA 4060’s > DAD6001’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > 1/4″] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack


1. Full Performance


Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Glob, Denver, CO,Titwrench by admin on Thursday 24 March 2011 at 8:00 am

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