Fantasy Band – 3.26.2011 @ Larimer Lounge

I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for this one!

Fantasy Band
Larimer Lounge, Denver, CO

Source:  [Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > XLR] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Track #01
2. Track #02
3. Track #03
4. Special Agent Dale Cooper
5. Bag of Zits (Soliloquy)
6. Track #06
7. Bag of Zits (Reprise)

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Larimer Lounge, Denver, CO by admin on Wednesday 15 June 2011 at 8:00 am

Neonates – 7.11.2010 @ Titwrench

Titwrench Fest, Glob, Denver, CO

Source:  [DPA 4060’s > DAD6001’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > 1/4″] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Over Fire
2. Transaction
3. Burst of Light
4. I’m In Line
5. Finger Foods
6. Nada
7. Place in Space
8. Gridlock
9. Tres

Posted under CA Artists,CO Shows,Glob, Denver, CO,Titwrench by admin on Tuesday 14 June 2011 at 8:00 am

Hunter Dragon – 5.15.2011 @ Oriental Theater

Here’s one of the most entertaining and humorous Hunter Dragon shows I’ve seen.   Five of his most recent releases are available via Bocumast Records.

Hunter Dragon
The Oriental Theater, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. Soaked to Death
3. Nope
4. Don’t Grind Your Teeth
5. Blood, Blood, Blood…
6. Set the Fire
7. unknown

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Oriental Theater, Denver, CO by admin on Sunday 12 June 2011 at 8:00 am

Dripfed – 7.11.2010 @ Titwrench

(Photo by Sarah Slater.)

Titwrench Fest, Glob, Denver, CO

Source:  [DPA 4060’s > DAD6001’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > 1/4″] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. 500
2. Treaties in the Mist
3. unknown
4. Raft of the Medusa
5. Bleak Outlook

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Glob, Denver, CO,Titwrench by admin on Thursday 9 June 2011 at 8:00 am

The French Chemists – 7.11.2010 @ Titwrench

The French Chemists
Titwrench Fest, Glob, Denver, CO

Source:  [DPA 4060’s > DAD6001’s > Lunatec V3] + [SBD > 1/4″] > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Mixdown > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Ask Me!
2. Fuckers with Tambourines
3. Motorcycle Boy
4. Me n’ Her
5. Green Hearts
6. Blitzkrieg Bop
7. Bewitched
8. Bikini Sauce

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Glob, Denver, CO,Titwrench by admin on Tuesday 7 June 2011 at 8:00 am

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