The Good Graces – 12.19.2008 @ Kavarna

(Photo by Leana Combs.)

Here’s the second of the three Kavarna sets, with The Good Graces opening the show.  There was a substantial turn-out even for the first act…nice to see people getting out and supporting the local artists!

The Good Graces
Kavarna, Decatur, GA

Source:  Mix [Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3] + [SBD > Apogee Mini-Me > M-Audio Microtrack II] > WAV > Mixing in Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. You and Me and Our Ghost
3. Over It
4. What’s Wrong
5. Who We Are
6. Unhappy Ending
7. Stuck Inside
8. Already Broken
9. Bad Driver
10. Real to Me

A zipfile of mp3s is available here.
FLAC files can be obtained via bittorrent here.

Posted under GA Artists,GA Shows,Kavarna, Atlanta, GA by admin on Wednesday 7 January 2009 at 5:45 pm

Hope For Agoldensummer – 12.19.2008 @ Kavarna

Being on the road for three weeks has left no time for posts…  Now that I’m back (and don’t have to work until Monday), I finally had a chance to check out the handful of recordings I made in Georgia before Christmas.  The only ones that turned out well were Hope For Agoldensummer, Night Driving in Small Towns, and The Good Graces at Kavarna.  I hadn’t seen HFAGS in several years, so it was nice to catch this intimate set at a cool coffee/wine bar in Oakhurst.

Hope For Agoldensummer
Kavarna, Decatur, GA

Source:  Mix [Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3] +
[SBD > Apogee Mini-Me > M-Audio Microtrack II] > WAV > Mixing in Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro
2. Candy Dots
3. Love Like a Sailor
4. Man of Faith
5. Fourth Night
6. Tuscon
7. Birthday (tease)
8. Katelina, Dear
9. Laying Down the Gun
10. Midwest
11. Threads
12. Malt Liquor > What’s Your Fantasy (tease)
13. Are You That Somebody?

FLAC files can be found here.
A zipfile of mp3s is available here.

Posted under GA Artists,GA Shows,Kavarna, Atlanta, GA by admin on Tuesday 6 January 2009 at 6:32 pm

Dark Meat – 8.14.2008 @ 40 Watt (Athens PopFest)

(Photo courtesy of The Yellow Stereo.)

I’m getting ready to hit the road for a month or so, and decided to post a few more PopFest sets before I head out…  Dark Meat took the stage on Thursday evening, working the crowd into anticipation of the night’s final act, Roky Erickson.  Paying homage with their psyhedelic hero, the band concluded the set with a cover of Roky’s “Be and Bring Me Home”.

Dark Meat
Athens Popfest
The 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA

Source:  Microtech Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3 > Firewire > CoolEdit Pro > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. soundcheck
2. No One Was There
3. Last of the Frontiersmen
4. New Eyes
5. Back in the Light
6. Three Eyes Open
7. Future Galaxies
8. banter/tuning
9. Be and Bring Me Home

(FLAC files are available via the LMA.)

Posted under 2. E6,40 Watt Club, Athens, GA,Athens Popfest,GA Artists,GA Shows by admin on Saturday 13 December 2008 at 2:49 pm

Vic Chesnutt with Elf Power – 11.19.2008 @ Hi-Dive

Here’s the Vic Chesnutt set from last week with Elf Power.  This is truly one of the most enjoyable shows I’ve seen this year!

Vic Chesnutt and Elf Power
Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Mix [Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3] +
[SBD > Apogee Mini-Me > M-Audio Microtrack II] > WAV >
Mixing in Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. intro > Mystery
2. Little Fucker
3. And How
4. Teddy Bear
5. We Are Mean
6. Stop the Horse
7. Bilocating Dog
8. Phil the Fiddler
9. Old Hotel
10. Independence Day
11. See You Around *
12. banter *
13. Sleeping Man *

* = Vic solo

FLAC files are available on dime.
A zipfile of MP3s is available via megaupload.

Posted under 2. E6,CO Shows,GA Artists,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Tuesday 25 November 2008 at 12:11 am

Elf Power – 11.19.2008 @ Hi-Dive

Another Elf Power set for y’all…this time at Denver’s Hi-Dive on their way back east.

Elf Power
Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Mix [Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3] +
[SBD > Apogee Mini-Me > M-Audio Microtrack II] > WAV >
Mixing in Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Owl Cut (White Flowers in the Sky)
2. Spiral Stairs
3. Quiver and Quake
4. Dream In Sound
5. Hole In My Shoe
6. The Demon’s Daughter
7. The New Mythology
8. Paralyzed
9. Fried Out >
10. The Everlasting Scream
11. Back To The Web
12. An Old Familiar Scene

A zipfile of the mp3s can be found here.
FLAC files are available here.

Posted under 2. E6,CO Shows,GA Artists,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 22 November 2008 at 2:49 pm

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