Shearwater and Wye Oak – 8.31.2008 @ Hi-Dive

Sunday night goes down in my books as one of the better shows of the year.  Shearwater, Wye Oak, and Hospital Ships (previously posted)–what more could you ask for?  Go check out Tom’s review of the show over at his Westword Blog, and then listen to see what all the hype was about:

Wye Oak
The Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3 >
WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16 > mp3
Taped by:  Lance Stack (inthistube [at]
1. Please Concrete
2. Warning
3. unknown
4. Family Glue
5. “Magic Johnson”
6. unknown
7. Take It In

(A zipfile of the full Wye Oak set is available here.)
(FLAC files are available here.)

The Hi-Dive, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3 >
WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16 > mp3
Taped by:  Lance Stack (inthistube [at]

1. intro
2. On The Death Of The Waters
3. Red Sea, Black Sea
4. Mountain Laurel
5. Rooks
6. White Waves
7. Leviathan, Bound
8. Seventy-Four, Seventy-Five
9. The Snow Leopard
10. (Abe Lincoln story)
11. I Was a Cloud
12. Century Eyes
13. Hail, Mary
14. North Col
15. Home Life

(A zipfile of the full Shearwater set is available here.)
(FLAC files are available here.)

Posted under CO Shows,Hi-Dive, Denver, CO,MD Artists,TX Artists by admin on Saturday 6 September 2008 at 9:46 pm