Reed Foehl – 8.22.2008 @ Meadowlark Living Room Series

It’s no easy task to silence a crowded bar room with a quiet song, but that’s exactly what Reed Foehl did during nearly every song last Friday night in the basement of the Meadowlark.  I have two of Reed’s solo efforts (2004’s Spark and 2007’s Stoned Beautiful), which were primarily recorded with full bands.  While I enjoy both albums, I feel that he shines most when it’s just A Man and His Guitar.  This set contains one of my favorites, “St. Johns Smith Square”, and also boasts plenty of new material.  As an added treat, Gregory Alan Isakov joined on acoustic guitar for the last two songs.

Reed Foehl
Living Room Series
The Meadowlark, Denver, CO

Source:  DPA 4060s (Core-Sound HEBs) > battery box > Lunatec V3 > M-Audio Microtrack 2 >
CF > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16

1. intro
2. Strange Days
3. St. John’s Smith Square > Far From Me
4. Good Company
5. ?
6. ?
7. Only in Your Arms *
8. Beautiful Life *

* = with Gregory Alan Isakov

FLAC files and several other audio formats are now available over at the Live Music Archive.

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Meadowlark, Denver, CO by admin on Saturday 30 August 2008 at 9:15 pm

Chris Adolf – 8.23.2008 @ Meadowlark

Chris Adolf (of Bad Weather California) put on a blistering solo performance this weekend at the Meadowlark, appropriately livening up the back patio with political and personal rage, on the eve of the DNC here in Denver.  Chris was one of dozens of Denver musicians who convened this weekend for the notable Living Room Series, an event that attempted to showcase the best singer-songwriters along the Front Range.

Many thanks to Jonathan Bitz for working so hard to make the Living Room Series a success!  More from this memorable weekend will be posted as I find time.

Chris Adolf (Bad Weather California)
Living Room Series
The Meadowlark, Denver, CO

Source:  Microtch Gefell M300’s > Lunatec V3 (opti-mod) > Nomad JB3 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 > CDWave > Flac16

1. Dead Flowers
2. You Be the Jesus
3. “Jesus Christ”
4. “I’m on Fire”
5. I’m Not the Poet
6. “Two Ways”
7. “Needle and a Spoon”
8. “Bad Things”
9. My Brave Friend
10. “My Country Too”

As usual, a zipfile of the entire show is available here.

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Meadowlark, Denver, CO by admin on Sunday 24 August 2008 at 10:35 pm

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